Version 478f

Mostly modding-related updates:
- Fixed a rare case where the level unlocking animation could be buggy due to the Broken quality
- Adjusted MF_loadsprite() so that it can apply to more objects, such as background particles
- Added MF_loadframe( fixed, filename, animation bank, sprite in levelpack folder y/n, frame (0-indexed) ) for replacing individual frames on object animations
- Added MF_editor_enable( editor status (bool) ); I remembered that the editor must be enabled to access text input dialogue, so with this function you can quickly enable-then-disable the editor code group if you want to input text during gameplay in a mod

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I purchased Baba is You on a little while back. Since last year, I’ve been gaming mainly on my Steam Deck. While there is an client, it doesn’t work properly in gaming mode and playing in desktop mode is sort of besides the point of the Steam Deck. Many games I’ve purchased on included a Steam key, so I was wondering if you could provide me with one as well to make my gaming experience easier.

Included with this message is a proof of my purchase on No hard feelings if you can’t provide me with a key for any reason.
