A Solitaire Mystery
A downloadable Deck for Windows
A collection of 23 mysterious solitaires, with more potentially being added in the future. The solitaires included vary from fairly standard cardgames to funky reimplementations of other games in solitaire form.
Solitaires designed and implemented by Hempuli, Hazelstorm and Knexator
Programming by Hempuli, Hazelstorm and Knexator
Card and title art for Gardening Solitaire by Kaldhen
Other art by Hempuli
Music by Hazelstorm: https://hazelstorm.bandcamp.com/
Audio design by Hempuli
SFX made in part using SFXR by DrPetter
Triangle sound from Sonatina Symphonic Orchestra by Mattias Westlund
SFX from Freesound.org:
Page turn by mydo1
Tearing paper by keweldog
Foley cloth rustle by martian
Cash register old antique open close drawer with bell ring various combinations by kyles
Footstep snow 4 by iujhu
Blood gush spray by cliftonmcarlson
Concert audience applause 3 by thaighaudio
Game implemented using Löve2D
In order to download this Deck you must purchase it at or above the minimum price of $3 USD. You will get access to the following files:
Development log
- Small patchJun 20, 2024
- Garden solitaire updateApr 25, 2024
- Version 1.1Apr 23, 2024
- Small patchApr 09, 2024
- 1.0cApr 08, 2024
- Full version is out!Apr 08, 2024
- Version 0.9May 31, 2023
- Version 0.8bMay 28, 2023
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Someone help me, I am so bad at solitaire but that didn't stop me from playing this 4 hours straight
I downloaded A Solitaire Mystery on my Windows 11 PC, but every time it launches, it closes. I don't see any in-game graphics before it does so, it just turns on and off immediately. Has anyone else had this problem?
Can anyone explain what the "blank" cards in Fork Solitaire do? The ones that have a suit but no displayed value.
There is nothing in the explanation and I have been racking my brain trying to figure it out.
They're just tens; it would've been awkward to fit the number & the symbols, so I thought it'd be aesthetically more striking to leave the number out. Apologies for the confusion.
I set the window multiplication to x2, then next time I opened the game it only showed the upper-left corner of the screen. I can't even access the Settings anymore. Re-install doesn't even solve it. I am guessing the game is reading from some config file that I don't know the location of. What can I do? Can I maximize the window?
I'll try to make the resolution work better in a future update; it might be a bit convoluted though...
That'll be great because as it stands now I have made the game totally unplayable by my own mistake 😭😭
Oh right, sorry, I missed that the issue wasn't resolvable - for now, you should be able to fix the issue by going to
users\<your username>\AppData\roaming\ASM\settings.txt
and adjusting the "scaling=" line to say "scaling=1" or so.
Thank you!!
Great game!
Minor typo in the rules for Gardening Solitaire:
"Cards will be automatically
beharvested from the garden slots."Thank you!
This has been great and I have enjoyed every game I've played so far.
As a mildly colorblind person, your diamond and club suit colors are very hard to distinguish, and the symbols are pretty small. It hasn't stopped me from puzzling it out, but it has slowed me down or made me believe I was stalled out several times. If there's a "colorblind mode" or a way to better separate the colors of all suits, I would appreciate it!
Thank you for the feedback - I'll definitely add this to the to-do list!
For anyone else whose brain broke trying to play garden solitaire, here are the possible combinations of cards with an average of exactly 4:
These are sorted so that the ones on the left are most disparate, so they are generally rarer but more favorable if you can make them because they get rid of difficult to use cards.
This game gives me mixed emotions. The individual solitaires are all so creative and interesting, and each one needs a unique mental approach. Plus the art and music are fantastic. But holy crap the difficulty is *brutal*, and this is coming from an avid Zachtronics-Solitaire fanatic.
Many of the games have hidden the fact that the gamestate is actually unwinnable from many turns ago (usually because there is a limited resource that you unknowingly expended, often ten to twenty real-life minutes ago). Many of them have a severely disproportionate difficulty spike right at the end. I played several games that were tough-but-doable for as much as 45 minutes only to find the endgame mechanics (which I had never reached before) actually start restricting space and it quickly became impossible not to tie myself into a knot.
A detector for games which are already lost would be nice, although I understand that poses a pretty extensive coding challenge. And the same statement applies for an undo button.
Most of all I think the game needs a better way of easing players in, rather than dumping all 23 games in front of them. The star rating system is pretty inconsistent at best, but currently there's no other way for newbies to know where to start. Maybe if games were unlocked in incremental batches? Or if specific games unlocked their shake-up versions like Tap -> Baba and Single -> Binary.
((Also the "playable with a standard deck" notes are greatly appreciated. Very cool.)
fun fact: exactly one of these solitaires has factually incorrect information in the rules. can you guess which one?
I assume its that the "Babataire" rules mistakenly calls the top slots "middle slots" and also doesn't color the word "slots" like it normally would? Unless there's another one.
No, that's just a terminology difference
make a linux(steamOS) build and my heart will be yours
I do have a plan to do so, same for a Mac version, eventually, I've just been very busy ;_;
It seems to run fine via WINE. But yes, a native port would be great!
can you please help me setup WINE for use in gaming mode on steamOS i tried guides and it just don't launch
I'm running Mint on my laptop. Couldn't say if SteamOS would use the same method, but I'll give it a shot.
If you have access to Software Manager within the Menu (Administration>Software Manager) run that. Then, in the search field type in "wine". Install the package "Wine" as well as "Q4wine" if that is available.
I hope this helps you! Sorry if it doesn't.
I finally got it running, if anyone else has the same issue I got it running by going to properties>compatibility>force compatibility tool>proton 9.0-4
Thanks to Matthias for encouraging me to try and get it working even though he had diff software
I run it under Linux like so:
1. extract ASM.exe and rename to ASM.love
2. install the Love2D runner
3. in the command line:
$ love ASM.love
I notice that sometimes the cards in stacks will pop out, letting me see what's underneath, but other times it doesn't work, which makes certain games more difficult (like time travel).
Yeah, in some of them the hover display had bugs so I disabled it; I should go back and try to get it working (I can't recall atm exactly what the issue is/was)
Will this ever come out on Steam/other platforms?
I want to put it on Steam once I get some more work done on it, polishing things etc
If you ever port this to Android and put it on the app store, it'll be just you and the Zachtronics Solitaire Collection. Both excellent
That'd be cool! But I'm very unskilled at mobile app dev so we'll have to see...
I really like the concept of Garden solitaire, but the lack of an undo button killed all but one of my games. I'd have it all figured out and then accidentally click the wrong spot in the garden every damn time.
Yeah, adding undo to the ones where it makes sense would be great; I mentioned it elsewhere but I really wish I had developed the game logic with undo "baked in" because adding it now is much more of a pain...
Aah, that's unfortunate! I also find myself reaching for an undo button when I've done something I didn't mean to. I don't mind too much though, it definitely raises the stakes!
The first few I've tried are kind of terrible games, and the UI is pretty bad. Cards stack where you can't easily read the rank of the cards.
I would love an undo button! I understand it might be hard to implement in modes that rely more on RNG but in something like 52 Card Pickup, it would be nice to be able to go back a step when you know you made a stupid move XD
Yeah, that'd be great to add; I wish I had baked the undoing into the basic implementation to make things easier later.
Nice video about card games bring me here. www.youtube.com/watch?v=kY6DmPs4klU, now we just need Steam version! I'm ready to pay more than 3€ .. how about 5€? If that is not enough, maybe 6?
Ps. About video, "Suomi mainittu, torilla tavataan" ;)
Chaotic Solitaire is horribly mislabeled! The difficulty is way more than 1 because there's a random failstate, where all four stacks have the same suit in front and no deeper cards that can be moved.
I am interested to buy this game. However, due to personal problem, I could only buy it on Steam. I hope you can publish there so I can enjoy the game I have wanted a year ago...
you forgot to mention in solitairdle that the suit has to change in stacks
Ah, thanks!
Some tips on transmutation
Those tips will reduce the game's difficulty by one whole star if you're having troubles
why are the ones where you need to do math roman numerals
Lol, I noticed that too!
I'll need to add a setting...
I love it, but please put a rewind button for at least the last movement.
A little bug. I had the Pick up game spawn with the cards neatly stacked once or twice. Not much of a challange this way 😁
Great point! I'll need to fix some other stuff in this too, haha
Love this game!!! Been playing ungodly amounts of Garden solitaire at work to kill the time. Was wondering what the little "2" card represents on the right of the trophies
I figured it's tied to streaks but I wasn't sure, since I've lost my streaks before and it's still hung around.
In the meantime going to go for 100 wins on this game. Thanks :^)
Thank you very much for the kind comment! The card represents you having gotten a 2-win streak in that game. It's quite easy to achieve in several of the solitaires but I didn't dare make it tougher because in some of them bad luck can easily steal you of a streak.
ahhh makes sense! Thanks again for making this banger collection!!
I'm happy you like Garden Solitaire, it was a lot of fun to design it :)
Fun games!!! Great value!!!!! ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ 10/10, would recommend
If anyone has any hints for how to do
FoldFork Solitaire, I'm all ears 🥺 It looks simple enough, and it's only rated two-stars for difficulty, but I can't seem to get anywhere past a dozen moves or so.I've been getting a lot of milage out of Time Travel Solitaire. If I'm remembering correctly, it's the only gamemode besides Cheatdeck that reveals new cards. All the solitaires require sorting (which I adore), but TTS has that extra bit of luck, which makes it so sticky to me.
My other new full-version favorite is Pick-Up. Though the order/location of the cards is revealed at the beginning, I'm never going to remember all that, so it retains an element of surprise.
My favorites on the free version were Tap Solitaire and Megataire. Megataire is more tedious now that the extra slot has been removed, but I understand why that change was implemented.
You mean Fork Soliraire? I would exchange tip for how to play Time Travel. One star? I cannot get anywhere in that mode!
For Fork it feels hard to explain. All about moving stacks you cannot resolve out of the way, while making sure you keep a "free" move open to improve the order. It play similar to Tap Solitaire in that regard. Afer 1-2 forks not moving bit stacks around felt winning. So you can soon enough pick the fork up again to allow for new ones.
Tab and Megataire are my also favourites. Tear is also really fun, Pick up is fun, Garden bit annoying as you can end up with unsolvabled endgame without doing much wrong. Only Time Travel, Sinlge Stack and Swap remain unsolved 💪
I could not figure out Time Travel until I made an accidental click and discovered that I could to get the same card from another empty spot in the bottom row on the turn that I needed it.
AAHAA that explains a lot. One more off the list.
For Fork: remember that you can pick up any stack, no matter the order. And you can "remove" a fork and move it somewhere else. Like here I can always take this 8♥ and move it somewhere else, so I can fork the right stack again.
Not easy and very doable.

I actually was able to win a game of Fork Solitaire thanks to your advice! Thinking of it like Tap Solitaire was helpful :3
will there ever be a mac build?
This game was made with LOVE2D, which can work on Mac if you do this: https://itch.io/post/9819297
My plan has been to test Löve2D's Mac & Linux porting capabilities with this, yeah, but I haven't gotten to that yet
if you want me to test something let me know, I have both an intel and a m1 mac, and also experience with signing/notarization
Thanks! At the moment it's mostly a matter of me getting back to working on the game; we have a bunch more plans for it :)
Signing Solitaire Mystery with the default LOVE2D runtime bundle on macOS can be done within minutes, but if you're planning to add Steam Achievements it might take a bit more time to make those work on macOS :P
Could you specify in the rules for the 52 card pickup solitaire that you can only move the first ten cards in a stack? It took me a while to figure out on my own that adding a 3 to the top of a stack that goes from a king to a 4 would disable the king.
This is actually a bug; I've been meaning to get to properly debugging it but there's been a lot of stuff on my mind. I'll try to get the logic working as intended in a future patch; apologies for the issue.
I've either ran into a bug, or I've gotten as lucky (or unlucky) as I will ever be in my life
Seed: 1718508189
Game: Cheatdeck Solitaire
Event: First 22 cards are all face up
Probability: about 1 in 70 million
Math (for nerds): this is actually less likely than 22 coin flips, because each face-up card removed from the deck leaves the deck more filled with face down, percentage wise. The math ends up being (52/104) * (51/103) * (50/102) * ... * (31/83) = 1/71,250,000
Of course I'd be elated to hear that I'd got this luck in a game with no stakes (in a way that actually made it harder) rather than, say, the Powerball lottery, but I assume this has _got_ to be some bug. For reference, these are around the same odds of correctly guessing someone's phone number based off nothing but the area code, followed by three called coin flips. Very excited to hear if this is an old bug come back (from 0.7 patch notes) or if this is really my legacy.
Also, fun game!
EDIT: actually, it seems that this happens very often, so it's either a bug, or an intentional game design decision
look like it is a wonderful game!
i really wish to buy it on steam~
had idea: antitaire. it's solitaire but time reverse.
Is Solitairdle supposed to be an only 0.001% chance at winning? And needlessly frustrating? I have my doubts that it's a 2 star difficulty game.
It has seemed fairly easy to me overall; the important thing to note is that you have only 4 of each letter, so once you notice that a letter is involved in the word, preserving the copies of that letter left becomes very crucial. Also since you can't reuse a letter that's known not to be in the word, it can be important to try to "throw away" letters likely not to be useful in cases where that allows you access to more useful letters/cards. It's quite messy.
Solitairdle, if you restart after winning, the first time you get a yellow or green square, the message "The word was X" from the previous game pops up, and never goes away.
Ah, thanks!
oh, also the rules for Solitairdle should mention that stacks need to be alternating color
i think in time travel solitaire you should be able to get more cards than just the fofo cards. like what if you took a card from the future and it's the joker from balatro.
Hi! I'm ADHD and am finding it difficult to notice when a card needs to be sent back in time travel solitaire, and I was wondering if you could maybe add a setting to make the cards flash to make the need to not create a paradox more visible?
I'm sure an animation or such could be added. What if the card released glitter particles or similar?
That would work! and sounds very pretty too!
just saw the new patch! I love the sparkles! very pretty
Nice, glad to hear that! :)
Just got this a little while ago and am really enjoying the variants so far! even if some are a bit harder imo than it might seem... or easier xD
Whatever the case I wanted to also write about odd solitaire, since I was able to pick up a pile of King of Clubs, King of Diamons, Queen of Clubs (bottom to top) which I don't think is intended since it would be mixing the two types of piles and it is neither all the same suit nor all the same rank?
Uneven Solitaire sometimes starts out locked, with the top of all piles isolated same-parity cards.
The first dozen moves are maybe a little tricky. But once you find an opening, it seems fairly easy if you focus on combining same-rank cards together. Just be careful to avoid having all piles locked with same parity. And you can split a same-rank group if you need more of that parity. (Maybe it should be 2-stars instead of 3)
(When I first started playing, I focused on groups of same-suit cards, but that's much less useful than groups of same-rank cards. It seems easy to win without using same-suit groups, except maybe a few moves at start.)
Swap-A-Taire seems pretty hard to lose. I failed to lose several times until I figured out I should deliberately avoid freeing an Ace, and then lock all the piles with 2-6 of the same suit, with 2, 3, and 4 on numbers larger than 5 (which is easier if you eagerly stack the other suits on the foundation).
Maybe its difficulty rating should be lower than 3 stars? It's not quite 1-star, because playing mindlessly will often get stuck in a loop, and it takes a little thought to get out of the loop.
Fair point! I think I'm ok with it being quite easy, so I'll adjust the star rating instead of changing the rules. Thank you!
Chaotic Solitaire is pretty tedious. So far, it's almost always just moving single cards to dig down to the next card that can be moved to the foundation, and the process usually buries the next card after that, so it's vaguely quadratic-ish time to solve.
I also get stuck maybe 50% of the time: all piles have the same suit, and nothing can be moved. I think I could be more careful to avoid that, but it's hard to stay focused when most of the time I'm just repetitively moving single cards to wait for it to randomly swap with a blocking King (or whatever).
The chaotic-ness is kinda interesting, and I think it's mostly the problem of blocking cards that makes it not so fun.
I think I'd like a variant that lets you stack ascending rank of same suit (as well as descending rank of alternating suit). That should make it a little easier to win, but also maintain the mood of struggling against chaos
I downloaded and ran this game but for some reason it won't start!
I am running windows 11 64bit
love 2D does not start either!
I'm posting a translated version of the game, so there might be some mistakes.
I'm sorry.
windows11 64bit です
love 2D も起動しません
Do you get an empty window, or does the game not start at all?
game not start at all
I chose to allow it in the properties to trust or not, and it started up.
Glad the issue was solved! :)