We're getting close to the end of Monty's contract so we thought we'd launch them into space. It Just Makes Sense
Development log
- Small fixes96 days ago
We're getting close to the end of Monty's contract so we thought we'd launch them into space. It Just Makes Sense
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is the "woo!" level when you beat the game?
fun game
...I'm stuck on the first puzzle with a grey box... Help.
You just have to push the box...
I mean, update, I got past it, but the boxes placement made things difficult!
I don't even remember if the solution I used even felt intended...
Are you sure you are talking about the first level ?
Or the second one (with a star shape thingy)
first one I could actually beat!
first time i won
This is not happening 😭
5 pixel wide arrows
it's happening again
Good puzzle game where you have to push the boxes into the x. and reach the flag.
this has been the easiest cavemeant recently
We finally have Graph Theorymount. I can't wait for the next game to be the Covemonty Hall Problem, followed by the Riemount Hypothesis.
The next one will contain the cove of all coves that don't mount themselves
insane mechanic lmao
I lol-ed when I realised that one level was effectively Microban I and that I had botched it in the way that I always botch Microban I.
same, except that I normally don't botch that kind of level.
Starmount Walkthrough Hempuli
I guess I'm waiting until I get home to play this, as I don't bring my mouse with me. Is there no way to have dragging the stars be anything but right-click?
Would control + left click work?
Ctrl+left click does nothing for me, but I was able to brute force it using the onscreen touchpad in conjunction with my laptop touchscreen.
Have you considered a "movement" mode vs a "drag star" mode, similar to Codemount and Automount?
Oh, what I meant is that would control + click work if it was added into the game? It'd be easy to add in but I'm not sure if it'd answer the problem
I think two finger click is right click on a touch-pad or screen
this is stellar
On web if you Rclick+hold a star and drag the mouse off the window, then dismiss the right click context window and left click back on the star you can move on top of the star while it is still movable and place yourself anywhere. Assuming unintended but I could be dumb!
This *should* be fixed now?
finally, i can customise my owo to my hearts content

I had to wait until the impossible level got fixed
space car
Best way to learn about constellations :)
How do you come up with such great ideas for your block pushers all the time?
I solved everything except the one with a 2 and multi push blocks, and the one with multi push and a pin block on an almost shape like an hourglass. (both levels are next each other).
One impossible level snuck in, should be fixed now!
This is super hard to control on a laptop with a multi-touch touchpad and no physical right-click button. Is there any way that there could be an alternate option added, such as ctrl-click (which is standard on macOS)?
yooo new block pusher!
There is a bug where you can stack multiple movable stars and you can't unstuck them
Should work now
You still can stack multiply stars of different type. Or your fix just doesn't apply to "unstable" stars.
Thanks! Should be fixed now
you also can still do it with a star onto a non-star
OH nooo, thank you for the report
just don't try to do that then
planetary travel