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doesn't seem to work for me after the "it's a me" title screen, R does reset, f2 does go back to main menu, but the screen only has background and no obstacles/character, looking at a YouTube video of the game, this doesn't seem like intentional behaiviour upon first launch

This sounds like an issue where the game fails to read the level files. Make sure that the ZIP file is extracted to a folder without restrictions about file reading and that all the files in the ZIP make it into the destination folder (for testing purposes, extracting the files e.g. into a folder on the desktop should work)


While extracting it into a desktop folder didn't work, switching the PC user did. Great game.

(1 edit)

Honestly, that wasn't too bad past floor 3, since the frequency of things you needed to dance around high speed alt-f4 to make fell off. 

This is not an invitation to add more. 

O no keke stuc

(1 edit)

what are you

what are you

I miss Charles Me-rtinet



I'm stuck on level 2 because it says "Run and jump at the same time by pressing Alt+F4!"

That's kind of the "joke" of this game, you actually need to let go of Alt a moment before hitting F4 to jump to avoid closing the program. If you do it right you should have enough speed to make the jump but you'll need to really concentrate on not ever pressing them at the same time.

or it is actually possible to use wall-jump to jump further


I did it! I’m writing this so future ME doesn’t forget and tries rescuing KEKE again!


Mario: It’s a me Me: It’s literally me


its a me


i am me

and not chris pratt


I cant jump on windows f4 does not work 


dont run and jump!!!


OMG alt+f4 LOL

Do not press both


even this troll game knows its a hateful thing so when you rate it it says rate this horror



I can't get past the starting screen with Hempuli's name. Is it supposed to go to the main menu on its own, or is there something I have to do?


Press enter to start.


i saw the jump button and just thought "... you cheeky mother fucker you"
great game 10/10 will not complete today


I love how the game forces you to close the game then instructs you not to do so because it corrupts save files! XD


This is pure evil


game does not want to start somebody help me 

Game is stuck on the start screen thingy


press alt+f4 by accident :(


it's a me, m        a       r        i        o    !


voiced by charles me-rtinet

hateful game


oh god dammit its alt f4

This is the greatest thing ever. We need sequel


keke's troll universe


this is the dumbest troll game ever made i love it so much 



This game made me laugh at first, now it just makes me cry

the game dont loads ;


The signs are too small for me to read :(

What monitor do you have?


laptop, 1920x1080. I don't have great eyesight either.


game sucks


i love this game

(1 edit) (+5)

Me, reading the comments and seeing the Alt-F4 shenanigans, then playing the game and seeing the jump button: “Hehee, we’re on Linux and remapped the close-window button to something else!”

Me: *tries that in game*

The game: *promptly closes*

Hah. Too smart for that. :3

– Frost


Hey, fancy seeing you here! We keep seeing you on the fediverse and recognized your avatar.

- Moth

Haha cool!

(…yes, I’m like 2 years late, we haven’t used itch in a while,)

– Frost


The message that shows when you do the thing is now etched into my brain

funny thing tho

(1 edit) (+6)(-1)

This is one of the best-worst ideas I've ever seen for a game. Highly recommended.

If I had to give some serious critique, I think a couple of the levels feel a bit out of order difficulty-wise: the antepenultimate level in particular felt much harder than the two levels right after it.

Also, what format are the level files stored in?


what is your fucking problem dude

another TROLLLL game lul

helo i am is come from this channel

Hi! Hope you enjoy my dumb playthrough lul


why why why why why why why why why why why why why why why why why why why why why why why why why why why why why why why why why why why why why why why why why why why why why why why why why why why why why why why why why why why why why why why why 

I like this game good job


Ah, you psychopathic rascal. I completed 3 levels before I gave in.


The run and jump controls are rubbish, because if you press them at the same time the game closes since the computer thinks that you use the combination of Alt + F4 which means to close an application and that is the FUCKING problem, it is difficult to play as you can accidentally close the game


Hi, this is unintended behaviour. Please contact support


that is intended behavior, it's supposed to be a rage game


who's gonna tell him?

(1 edit) (+2)

not only that, but sometimes when you press an arrow and jump, for some reason it closes the game as if you pressed alt+f4

This happens after you've alt+tabbed the game, right? Now that, I'm not sure was intended.

not sure


it's intentional.  Even if you remap the "close an application" binding on linux, alt-f4 still closes this specific game.


Hey. Hey. Hey. Hey, how dare you. Hey. Hey I wanna have a word with you. How dare you? How could you? Hey, why would you do this? Listen. You can't do this. This isn't okay. Money well spent. What's wrong with you? Hey, listen: what's your problem? I'm grinning like an idiot. Don't do this. I can't believe you. Jesus christ. Go jump in a lake. 

I mean. How dare you? Like, what's your problem? Unbelievable.

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