A downloadable Truth Jar

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A group of wise people have discovered a major Truth and engraved a Stone Cylinder with its words. Another group has likewise determined the nature of a different Truth and sent their Stone Cylinder on its way. The group that delivers their Truth to the ears of the other will have it become the governing nature of the Realm, and thus they must make haste so that the other group doesn't do the same first.

This is a 2-player abstract boardgame about getting your Stone Cylinder to the other end of the game board before your opponent does the same. The gameplay is very simple and revolves around your Messengers having the ability to throw each other and their team's Cylinder. The PDF explains the rules and provides illustrations for how to play and setup the game.


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CotW_v1_3b.pdf 418 kB

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Your little pieces are so cute XD 


It gets better: they're called meeples. Look them up.


omg that's so adorable, thank you for informing me,

Will test it out. Sounds similar to shobu which I adore.